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Labor tweaks stage 3 tax cuts to make room for ‘middle Australia’

Following years of mixed messaging, Labor has bowed to economic pressure and announced changes to its stage three tax cuts.



Only those earning less than $150,000 will benefit from the impending tax cuts, which were originally slated to abolish the 37 per cent tax bracket applied to income between $120,000 and $180,000 and reduce the 32.5 per cent tax rate to 30 per cent for all incomes between $45,000 and $200,000.

However, with rising inflation and consequent increases to interest rates, Labor has pivoted to make room for cost-of-living ease for middle Australia, effectively scrapping the already legislated stage three rollout – something Prime Minister Albanese said he would not do going into the last election.

This means that those earning $200,000 or more will receive a $4,529 cut, instead of the legislated $9,075 they were due to receive from 1 July.


Under the changes, the 19 per cent tax rate that applies to incomes between the $18,200 tax-free threshold and $45,000 will be lowered to 16 per cent.

Those earning between $45,000 and $135,000 will be taxed at 30 per cent, while the 37 per cent tax rate will be reinstated and apply to incomes between $135,000 and $190,000, after which the 45 per cent rate will apply.

This means that someone on $73,000 will receive a tax cut over $1,500, more than double the amount under the previous plan, while somebody on $100,000 will have their tax cut increased from $1,375 to $2,179.

On Thursday before the National Press Club, Prime Minister Albanese said: “Our government will deliver a tax cut for every Australian taxpayer”.

“This is a plan for middle Australia that delivers for every Australian taxpayer, right up and down the income ladder,” he said.

The tax cuts won't hurt inflation, he said.

“This option is broadly revenue neutral and will not add to inflationary pressures,” the PM cited a Treasury report and added that there are no implications for the Reserve Bank’s forecasts.

“Some would say that we should stay the course, even if it means going to the wrong destination.

“To them I say, we are choosing a better way forward given the changed circumstances.”

The PM also added that his government will increase the low-income threshold at which the Medicare levy applies.

According to media reports, the government plans to launch an ad campaign to help sell its obvious backflip.

‘Different position for best reason’

Doing the media rounds on Thursday morning, Treasurer Jim Chalmers defended Labor’s surprise move, noting that the government has “come to a different position” for “the best possible reason”, which is “we can provide more tax relief for more people to help them with the cost‑of‑living”.

“Now we are being upfront with people and saying we have come to a different view. We've come to a different view because what we're proposing today is better for middle Australia, better for cost‑of‑living pressures, better for women and workforce participation and better for the economy, without adding to the inflationary pressures that we are dealing with,” Mr Chalmers told ABC Radio.

Questioned about whether these broken promises could be costly for Labor, Mr Chalmers said “what we're doing here is we're putting people before politics”.

“Of course, these will be politically contentious. Our opponents will play their usual mindless, nasty, negative politics over this.

“We understand that but I believe you build trust by making the right decisions for the right reasons in the interests of the people and when you come to a different view, as we have, you front up and explain why the circumstances have changed, why our position has changed and how people will benefit from what we are proposing today”.

In the lead-up to last year’s May budget, Treasurer Chalmers was, however, selling a different story, reinforcing at the time that the government would push ahead with stage three tax cuts.

This story would later shift to suggest that Labor was prepared to re-evaluate the tax cuts if inflation remained an issue.





Maja Garaca Djurdjevic
29 January 2024

Does your business have a company Power of Attorney?

An individual power of attorney gives an attorney legal authority to manage a person’s assets and financial affairs.


A company power of attorney authorizes a person or persons to act on behalf of a company and/or sign certain documents on its behalf.

When granting a company power of attorney, it could be:-

  1. Limited power, for routine transactions
  2. For specific purposes
  3. General powers

And, be aware the director will remain liable for an attorney’s actions.  The company may want to consider appointing two persons to act jointly as attorney.

A complete estate plan for a family should consider a power of attorney for all companies in the group, in addition to the personal and financial affairs of the individuals involved.






Accessing superannuation benefits.

Common conditions of release include the fund member having reached preservation age and retired, or commenced a transition-to-retirement income stream; ceasing an employment arrangement on or after the age of 60; being 65 years old even though they haven’t retired; or having died.


Alternatively, under special circumstances, some benefits may be available where the fund member: –

•       has terminated gainful employment;

•       is temporarily or permanently incapacitated;

•       is suffering severe financial hardship;

•       meets conditions for compassionate grounds;

•       has a terminal medical condition; or

•       is taking part in the first home super saver scheme.

The Australian Taxation office is aware of scams and improper access, and will continue targeting Self-Managed Super Funds and their trustees.

It is the trustees responsibility to take care and always be prudent.





The Countries that Export the Most Wine in the World

Check out the countries that export the most wine in the world










Raft of revenue tweaks in MYEFO to raise millions

Changes to interest deductibility, taxes, thresholds and even passport fees made up the fineprint of the mid-year economic update.


Canberra will embellish its budget bottom line by hundreds of millions over the next few years with a raft of policy and revenue tweaks in the fine-print of its Mid-Year Economic and Fiscal Outlook, released yesterday.

High on the list in terms of financial impact will be the denial of deductions for the ATO general interest charge (GIC) and shortfall interest charge (SIC) incurred in income years starting on or after 1 July 2025.


GIC is incurred when tax debts have not been paid on time while SIC is charged when a tax liability has been incorrectly self-assessed and resulted in a shortfall of tax paid. Both charges have increased in line with rising interest rates and are adjusted quarterly but compound daily. The SIC for January to March next year will be 7.38 per cent and for GIC 11.38 per cent.


The MYEFO said removing tax-deductibility would “enhance incentives for all entities to correctly self-assess their tax liabilities and pay on time, and level the playing field for individuals and businesses who already do so”.


The measure was estimated to increase receipts by $500 million over the five years from 2022–23.

Canberra would also supplement its recently announced increased fees for foreign real estate investment with a rise in the foreign resident capital gains withholding tax rate from 12.5 per cent to 15 per cent and reduction in the threshold from $750,000 to zero.

The tax applies when a foreign resident sells real estate and requires the purchaser to withhold a percentage of the price and remit that to the ATO.

“The measure will complement the government’s initiatives to improve housing affordability for Australians,” the MYEFO said.

The changes would apply to contracts entered into from 1 January 2025 and was forecast to increase receipts by $150 million, and increase payments by $5.9 million, over the five years from 2022–23.

Meanwhile, for those eligible to hold an Australian passport application fees would increase by 15 per cent from 1 July 2024, raising $349 million over three years that would be “redirected to support priorities in the Foreign Affairs and Trade portfolio”.

To encourage the take-up of “fuel-efficient vehicles” the government would tighten the definition for the purposes of the Luxury Car Tax, reducing the maximum fuel consumption from 7 litres per 100km to 3.5.

Luxury cars that meet the definition have a higher threshold for LCT, which is levied at 33 per cent.

The government would also update the indexation rate of the LCT value threshold for other luxury vehicles from headline CPI to the motor vehicle purchase sub-group CPI, aligning it with the indexation of the LCT value threshold for fuel-efficient vehicles.  

The measures would apply 1 July 2025 and increase receipts by $155 million over the five years from 2022–23.

Also in line for an increase was the Commonwealth penalty unit, which would rise by 5.4 per cent from $313 to $330 starting four weeks after passage of legislation.

The increase would apply to offences committed after the relevant legislative amendment came into force and the amount would continue to be indexed every three years in line with the CPI as per the pre-existing schedule.

Penalty units are used to describe the amount payable for fines under Commonwealth laws, including in relation to communication, financial, tax and fraud offences.

“This measure ensures that financial penalties for Commonwealth offences continue to remain effective in deterring unlawful behaviour,” the MYEFO said and was estimated to increase receipts by $4.5 million over five years from 2022–23.





Philip King
14 December 2023

How to Resolve Invoice Payment Disputes

As a business owner, managing your debtors and improving your cash flow are crucial to the success of your business.


Therefore, you must take proactive steps to avoid customer payment disputes and prevent cash-flow issues. This article explains how to avoid or resolve invoice payment disputes.


Draft Effective Business Terms and Conditions

A customer enters a binding contract each time they buy from you. A written contract setting out the terms of that transaction provides clarity and can reduce the risk of invoice payment disputes arising. Here are four top tips for writing your business terms and conditions:

Tip Explanation
Be clear about what products or services you sell The more detail you provide about your goods or services, the more customers know what they are getting. This may help if a dispute arises and they try to avoid payment. 
Dictate how your client or customer can accept your business terms and conditions Once they accept, your customer will be bound by your terms and conditions. Standard acceptance methods include signing, ticking an acceptance box online, confirming in writing or paying a deposit. Choose the method that best suits your business and your customers.
Set out your payment terms and acceptable methods of payment Payment terms should indicate the timeframe in which you require the customer to make payment. You should also set out the consequences if the customer fails to pay on time, such as being charged interest on overdue amounts.
Include a dispute resolution clause In the unfortunate event that a dispute does arise, a dispute resolution clause can assist you in resolving the dispute faster and more cost-effectively. Dispute resolution clauses usually require an attempt at Alternative Dispute Resolution before escalating the matter further.

Your business terms and conditions are essential in managing your debtors. Therefore, you (or your lawyer) should draft these terms specifically for your business. They will form the foundation for any future debt recovery proceedings. It is far easier to point to terms and conditions in an agreement than to rely on a verbal agreement or informal email chain.

Avoid Delays and Always Follow Up

Issue invoices promptly while the transaction remains fresh in your customer’s mind. The invoice should contain sufficient detail about the goods or services you have provided to avoid confusion.

Once an invoice becomes due, be sure to follow up. You may only need to give customers a friendly reminder by email or phone.

Additionally, diarising when accounts become due or implementing an automatic notification system into your accounting software are great ways to keep on top of debtors.

Keep Communicating

Keeping the lines of communication open with a customer who owes you money is essential. If those lines of communication close, it is unlikely that you will receive payment without escalating the matter further. Some tips for keeping communication open:

  • resend a copy of your outstanding invoice;
  • remain calm as disputes tend to escalate quickly (sometimes unnecessarily) when emotions are left unchecked;
  • speak with the person responsible for paying your invoice;
  • confirm in writing the amount outstanding and when payment was due;
  • ask questions and listen. There may be a reason your invoice has not been paid; and
  • keep a paper trail. If you start debt recovery proceedings later, you can use this trail as evidence.

However, even after doing everything in your power to coerce payment, escalating your debt recovery to a lawyer may be your best option. In this case, issuing a letter of demand is the next step.

Key Takeaways

Resolving invoice payment disputes quickly can improve your business’s cash flow by ensuring you receive money owed in time to pay your debts. You can increase the odds of customers paying on time by having well-drafted terms and conditions, following up promptly and keeping communication open.



Meryem Aydogan
Law Graduate


Why crypto treads an uncertain path through tax minefield

The taxation of digital assets used for lending and borrowing would benefit from clear-sighted guidelines.


The ATO has not released much formal (binding) guidance on the taxation treatment of crypto assets and continues to slowly publish general (non-binding) advice via its website. Additionally, the BoT’s report following its review into the appropriate policy framework for the taxation of digital assets was delayed beyond December 2022 and is now due by 29 February 2024.

Against this backdrop, the ATO has recently published some new informal guidance on its website concerning the tax treatment of lending and borrowing with decentralised finance (DeFi) with a focus on liquidity pools.

DeFi and liquidity pools

DeFi is a blockchain-based form of finance that does not rely on a financial intermediary. Instead, it is peer-to-peer with many apps, protocols and platforms commonly built on the Ethereum blockchain.


A liquidity pool is an arrangement whereby crypto assets are gathered and “locked” in place with a smart contract. The use of liquidity pools facilitates decentralised lending and adds liquidity to crypto asset trading.

A lender provides crypto assets to the liquidity pool for use by the DeFi protocol and typically receives new crypto assets as compensation (generated from transaction fees and often described as “interest”).

Tax treatment

Crypto lenders typically understand that the market value of the interest they receive is taxable. What they may find alarming is that the ATO also considers that the mere act of depositing (lending) the crypto assets into a liquidity pool amounts to a disposal of the crypto asset, thereby triggering CGT event A1.

CGT event A1 occurs because, in the ATO’s view, depositing the crypto asset into a liquidity pool results in a change in beneficial ownership.

Whether or not investing (depositing) into a particular liquidity pool results in the lender relinquishing (and so transferring) beneficial ownership of the crypto asset will depend on the precise terms of the underlying protocol. Retaining a right to withdraw will not necessarily mean the depositor has retained beneficial ownership.

If the lender only has a contractual right to withdraw the deposited asset, then beneficial ownership will most likely have transferred. On the other hand, if, for example, a “trust relationship” is established, it may be possible that the depositor has retained beneficial ownership.

The creation of a trust relationship does not necessarily mean that there has been no change in beneficial ownership. The High Court has held that the trustee of a unit trust – and not the beneficiaries of that trust – holds the beneficial ownership of trust assets.  However, the types of trusts to which the High Court was referring can be distinguished from other trust relationships such as a special type of trust known as a bare trust, where the beneficiary – and not the trustee – will continue to hold beneficial ownership of the trust’s assets.

The existence of a bare trust may be incompatible with the commercial reality of a DeFi protocol, which may require all the deposited assets to be mixed. Given the assets are homogenous and fungible, depositors may otherwise be indifferent as to whether the assets are mixed and so whether their subsequent withdrawal contains the exact same assets they deposited or merely equivalent ones (like depositing $20 in a bank account and then withdrawing another $20 note). In this respect, the mixing of the assets may not only reveal the lack of a bare trust arrangement but may also help explain the risk profile of the investment.

Other arrangements may fall short of transferring beneficial ownership and should not trigger CGT event A1, such as where the crypto assets are merely offered as collateral.

Interest-earning bank account

As alluded to above, the analogy of a bank account may not assist crypto liquidity pool investors. Technically, depositing funds into a bank account would trigger CGT event A1 but for the Commissioner’s indulgence in Taxation Determination TD 2002/25, where he states that he does not regard Australian currency as a CGT asset to the extent it is used as legal tender to facilitate a transaction. Without that indulgence, there would – arguably – be a disposal of the notes and coins (a change in beneficial ownership) in exchange for a new asset, being the chose in action/bank account. Crypto assets will not attract this indulgence as they are not Australian currency being used as legal tender.

Foreign currency

Foreign currencies have their own regime and so are typically taxed outside of the CGT regime. Yet the Commissioner has never accepted that cryptocurrencies are a foreign currency, and that position has since been enshrined in legislation.

In ATO ID 2003/551, the Commissioner states that the definition of a CGT asset includes a bank account denominated in foreign currency. Depositing foreign currency into that account increases its cost base, and withdrawing the foreign currency triggers CGT event C2 from a cancellation of part of the debt owing under that chose in action/bank account.


There is limited formal ATO guidance to help crypto users and their advisers understand the taxation consequence of various DeFi (and other crypto) arrangements.

The ultimate tax position will depend on the particular terms of the protocol and what rights and obligations they confer on the parties.

The BoT is due to release its report this month, which will hopefully pave the way for important legislative reform so that crypto assets are not taxed any more harshly than more traditional financial assets.

In the meantime, crypto users and creators need to ensure that they obtain advice on the taxation ramifications of their crypto arrangements. As the above analysis shows, the legal position and the corresponding taxation implications are not straightforward.




Philip King
02 February 2024

The year of workplace law upheaval

Parliament, the FWO, unions, employees and employers alike grappled with the ever-complex Fair Work Act in 2023. 


The Fair Work Ombudsman has had a very busy year. Its 2023 annual report detailed $509 million in unpaid wages recovered for 251,475 workers in FY 2022-23, the second-highest result after $532 million was clawed back only a year prior.

The workplace watchdog and chief enforcer of the Fair Work Act also said it entered into 15 enforceable undertakings, filed 81 lawsuits and issued 2,424 compliance notices.


FWO boss Anna Booth called for businesses, especially big corporates and universities, to do better, with names like Suncorp, David Jones, Politix, Crown, UTS, Starbucks, Best & Less and St Vincent’s all guilty of underpaying workers. 


“All employers must place a higher priority on ensuring they are meeting all their workers’ lawful entitlements, including by improving their payroll and governance and investing in advice,” Ms Booth said. 


However, Rebecca Thistleton, director of thinktank McKell Institute, said that for every one of the FWO’s successes, “we know there are far more instances that are never investigated and workers who are never properly compensated”. 

The FWO only recovered about two-thirds of an estimated $850 million in yearly unpaid wages and businesses habitually exploited its limited resources, the McKell Institute said.

CEO Ed Cavanough said actual wage theft could be as high as $1.35 billion since data failed to capture the incorrect payment of penalty or award rates. 

“This is an extraordinary amount of money being stolen and it’s unacceptable,” he said. “Being unaware is not an excuse. The onus is on employers to understand their obligations to their employees,” he said. 

In December, National Tertiary Education Union president Alison Barnes called out universities’ governance models after the union’s analysis found “rampant” wage theft among virtually every major university across the country. 

The NTEU believes that 97,000 staff are owed $159 million, a $50 million increase since its report in February. 

“The fact that wage theft is so widespread in Australian universities is a damning indictment of the current governance model,” she said. 

Ms Barnes said wage theft was driven by the sector’s widespread use of casual staff, with two-thirds of all university workers employed “insecurely” through casual or fixed-term arrangements. 

“If universities are to finally become exemplary employers then we need to end the scourge of casualisation using state and federal powers,” she said. 

The union also said it was involved in eight ongoing cases and echoed the McKell Institute’s suspicions that wage theft estimates understated the true extent of the problem. 

Similarly, the Shop, Distributive and Allied Employees Association sued discount supermarket chain Aldi for $150 million in unpaid wages. “Over $100 million has been ripped out of the pockets of workers and their families by this multi-billion-dollar corporation,” said national secretary Gerard Dwyer. 

The Aldi action came after its biggest competitors, Woolworths and Coles, were also accused of serial underpayments in Federal Court – the FWO sued the supermarket giants in June over setting up payment structures to avoid paying workers overtime. 

To close “loopholes” in the system, the government introduced the Fair Work Legislation Amendment (Closing Loopholes No. 2) Bill 2023 in September to criminalise wage theft and reform casual employment, the gig economy and labour hire laws. 

The bill was then split in two in a crossbench deal on the final day of Parliament to pass its less-contentious provisions on labour hire and union delegate rights.

While unions strongly supported the changes, the corporate sector was not so taken, with key business and employer groups coming out with scathing rebukes. 

Council of Small Business Organisations Australia CEO Luke Achterstraat criticised the complexity of the behemoth 800-page omnibus. “The new definition of casuals is three pages long and comprises 15 different tests. You shouldn’t need a PhD in law to know how to hire a casual worker,” he said. 

National employer association Ai Group CEO Innes Willox called the changes “unworkable”. 

“Make no mistake, the bill will hurt industry, undermine productivity and result in fewer job opportunities as well as higher costs that will potentially be passed on to consumers,” he said. 

With the bill’s remaining provisions on casual work still in Parliament, the ATO also released guidance on differentiating between employees and contractors in December.

TR 2023/4 confirmed the ATO would follow the High Court’s approach to determining whether a worker was an employee under the Taxation Administration Act. 

It said it was a question of fact and should be determined by reference to an objective assessment of the relationship, legal rights and obligations between an employer and employee, a departure from the old “multi-factorial” analysis of parties’ conduct when determining worker classification. 

However, instead of providing clarity, some commentators believed the ruling added a further wrinkle to the employment law landscape. 

This is because it went in direct contrast to the approach contained in Closing Loopholes, which proposed to reinstate the old multi-factorial test. 

According to employment lawyer Nicholas Parkinson, that would lead to an “incongruous position” where the Fair Work Act, FWO, courts and tribunals would use one definition of employment, and the ATO in ensuring compliance with tax obligations would use another. 

A senate inquiry into the bill is due to report next month and the government will look to pass the remaining provisions on casual and gig economy worker protections in the coming months. 

In the meantime, the FWO will almost certainly have its work cut out again in 2024 as businesses and authorities attempt to navigate a system in a constant state of flux.





 Christine Chen
11 January 2024

ATO warns advisers against suspect R&D tax claims

Spending by associated entities or activities conducted overseas will be subject to increased scrutiny, the Tax Office says.


The ATO has released two taxpayer alerts warning about incorrect R&D tax offset claims involving spending by associated entities or activities conducted overseas for foreign-related entities.

Taxpayer Alerts TA 2023/4 and TA 2023/5 said taxpayers and advisers using either arrangement would be subject to increased scrutiny and possible penalties if the R&D tax incentives were being wrongly applied.


In a guidance update, the ATO said:


“We’re concerned these arrangements are being used to:

  • claim the R&D tax offset in situations where it would not otherwise be available, either at all or in the income year claimed by the R&D entity.
  • artificially increase the amount of the R&D tax offset claimed.”

Regarding TA 2023/4, “Research and development activities delivered by associated entities”, the ATO said: “We’ve identified arrangements where an entity incorrectly claims the R&D tax offset for expenditure incurred under an agreement with an associated entity who conducts those activities.”

Arrangements of concern included those where a “service provider”, which was usually an entity that conducted a group’s trading and research activities, operated as a contractor to provide R&D for the entity claiming the incentive. The service provider would not normally be entitled to claim the incentive and the body making the tax claim had little or no activity other than the specific R&D arrangements.

“In substance and effect, the refundable tax offset is the R&D entity’s only receipt and the only amount used to service the R&D entity’s payment obligations to the service provider,” the alert said.

Taxpayer Alert TA 2023/5, “Research and development activities conducted overseas for foreign related entities”, similarly outlines ATO concerns about arrangements where Australian entities claim the R&D tax offset for expenditure incurred on R&D activities conducted overseas.

“Arrangements of concern include where an R&D entity has purported that R&D activities were conducted for its own benefit, but those activities were instead conducted for a foreign entity that is ‘connected with’, or is an ‘affiliate’, of the R&D entity,” it said.

“We are concerned that R&D entities do not qualify for an R&D tax offset under Division 355 of the ITAA 1997 for expenditure incurred by them on R&D activities conducted overseas as the R&D activities were:

  • not conducted for the R&D entity, or
  • conducted to a significant extent for the foreign related entity, and that entity does not satisfy the statutory conditions for eligible R&D activities.”

The ATO said penalties could apply to participants in these types of arrangements although they might be “significantly reduced if the amendment request is treated as a voluntary disclosure”.




Philip King
18 December 2023

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Man and woman sorting out their accounting and taxation

Accounting & Taxation Services

We believe accounting services should be straight forward and stress-free. By providing cutting edge bookkeeping, accounting, taxation and financial solutions and using the right products for your record keeping, our team at Guests Accounting will work with you to understand your needs and help you achieve your goals, making it easier for you to manage your cash flow and meet your tax obligations.

While fiscal compliance is of the upmost importance, we at Guests Accounting also believe in offering management advice and support at all levels of our services. We are committed to offering the highest level of friendly and professional service and welcome the opportunity to work with you.

The areas we specialise in are as follows:

  • Accounting & Tax Consultancy Services
  • Personal & Business Tax Returns
  • Annual Reporting
  • Business and Tax Advisory
  • ATO correspondence Management
  • Self-Managed Super
  • Cloud accounting experts

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Concentrate on running your business and let Guests Accounting take care of all your business accounting and taxation requirements.

Some of the services we can offer your business include:

  • Accounting and bookkeeping
  • Accounting software advice and assistance
  • Business & company tax returns
  • Taxation – GST & PAYG advice, BAS preparation
  • Guests Accounting can liaise with the ATO on your behalf
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  • Superannuation for you and your staff
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Young professional with his own business

Personal Accounting

We offer a range of Personal Accounting services for individual employees. Our most popular Personal Accounting service is assisting with completing tax returns for individuals.

Tax returns can be complex and there are allowable tax deductions and expense claims that can be made that you may not be aware of. We can help you minimise your payable tax and potentially increase your tax return and make sure your tax return is lodged on time.

We also offer advice on:

  • Investment properties, tax and negative gearing
  • Tax & share investments
  • HELP (higher education loans) debts
  • Superannuation advice
  • Advice on setting up a self-managed super fund (SMSF)
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One of the most important steps in the preparation of financial information is the data entry. It is the vital part of your accounting process, ensuring that your financial information is up to date and accurate.

Our highly experienced team of bookkeepers will get the job done efficiently by using cloud based products and software shortcuts, leaving you more time to concentrate on your business.

Guests Accounting can take over all, or some of your bookkeeping activities allowing you to concentrate on growing your business. We can:

  • Design, establish and review accounting systems and software
  • Perform checks, reconciliations and end of financial year reports
  • Manage your accounts receivable and accounts payable
  • Ensure your business is up to speed with legislative requirements and management reports
  • Undertake payroll duties and compliance
  • Prepare and lodge BAS statements
  • GST & PAYE advice
  • BAS Lodgement
  • GST Reconciliation
  • PAYG Withholding & Superannuation reports
  • Completing expense reports
  • Direct to bank account transactions
  • Organising your documents and records
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  • Paying bills
  • Completing expense reports
  • Direct to bank account transactions
  • Provide general business administrative support

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Helping our clients grow, strengthen and develop their businesses is our main aim.  Whether small, medium or large receiving expert help in areas such as strategy development, management accounting, cost analysis and budgeting is very important to attaining a business’s short and long objectives.

Our aim is to enable you and your business to maximise potential and profitability.  We do this by providing the highest level of technical and commercial solutions to resolve issues that might impair the attainment of these outcomes.

We also have particular expertise in advising our private clients with family succession strategies that allows for the effective transfer of wealth to future generations.

Our expertise and time will help you attain your goals.

We specialise in the following:

  • Corporate Structure
  • Strategy development and facilitation
  • Strategic board and management reporting
  • Budget preparation and review
  • Updating your business plan
  • Business value maximisation
  • Systems review
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Business Start-Ups & Structures

Choosing your business structure is an important decision and we can advise you on the best structure for your requirements. There are four main business structures commonly used by small businesses in Australia and we can help with them all:

Sole trader: an individual operating as the sole person legally responsible for all aspects of the business.
Partnership: an association of people or entities running a business together, but not as a company. A partnership is relatively inexpensive to set up and operate.
Company: a legal entity separate from its shareholders.
Trust: an entity that holds property or income for the benefit of others. Trusts require a formal trust deed that outlines how the trust operates, require the trustee to undertake formal yearly administrative tasks and if you operate your business as a trust, the trustee is legally responsible for its operations. A trustee of a trust can be a company, providing some asset protection.

It is important to note that you can change your business structure throughout the life of your business.

We can help with the following:

  • Corporate Structures
  • Updating your business plan
  • Business value maximisation
  • Systems review
  • Sustainability
  • Strategic planning
  • Financial diagnostic analysis
  • Cash flow and profitability
  • Corporate compliance
    • Formation of trusts and new company registrations
    • Provision of registered office services for service of notices
    • Attending to ASIC returns and regular filings on your behalf
    • Business name registrations and maintenance
    • Preparing minutes and drafting resolutions

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Cloud Accounting solutions featuring MYOB, Reckon and XERO

Cloud Accounting

Cloud accounting is essentially your accounting software stored and accessed from an online server which allows upgrading of software, tax tables for payroll, also data backups are managed remotely and automatically by the software provider.  This is a great time saver for any small to medium business owner.

Our solutions will help your business take advantage of an eco-system where your accounting software is the centre of all your information. From manufacturing, inventory, to customer relationship management (CRM), rostering/timesheets to payroll, you will be in control of every aspect of your business represented by a thorough reporting system.

Please do not hesitate to contact us for an obligation free consultation session on business software solutions. Our well-trained staff will provide you with the best solution that suits your needs and budget. With customised solutions, discounted software subscription, hands-on and personal training, we are committed to deliver you a quality of service that will meet and exceed your expectations.

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Woman auditing the books with a magnifying glass


There are many reasons why a business or association may need to be audited. These include audits regulated by ASIC, government departments and licensing authorities.

You may wish for your business to be audited to ensure your financials are all correct, up to date and compliant with Australian accounting standards.

We offer ongoing support for annual audits and can discuss audit insurance for your business.

Self-managed super funds (SMSFs) are required to be audited annually.

Our business auditing services include:

  • Statutory Audits
  • Specialist Reviews
  • Business Risk Reviews
  • Self Managed Superannuation Fund Audits
  • Due Diligence reviews

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Australian dollars in back pocket

Payroll Management

Whether you’re just starting out, experiencing rapid growth or sustaining a mature company we have the solutions for your payroll needs.  We know that accrual and recording of annual and sick leave is a headache most employers can do without.

At Guests we offer a cost saving service that will keep your company compliant with all relevant legislation and will processes your payroll on time and accurately.

We will save you time, reduce costs and offer flexible options.

We can assist with the preparation of:

  • Pay slips
  • Payment of salaries and other benefits
  • Accrual of all types of leave and recording of leave taken
  • Calculation and payment of superannuation

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Australian dollars in back pocket

Migration Assistance Services

We have been working closely with a number of leading migration lawyers and agents to assist our clients to obtain Business Migration Visas (Visa subclass 188, Subclass 132, Subclass 888), Employer sponsored skill migration visas (the old 457 visa or the new TSS visa program).

– Prepare financial reports and Business Plan in a compliant format for migration purposes.
– Prepare statements of financial position of the Applicant and Sponsoring Employer.
– Undertaking due diligence on business and asset purchases.
– Buy/Sell Agreement and Negotiations
– Provide insights on compliance with the Points System necessary for the Government visa requirements.
– Provide tax and business advisory services in order for holders of the subclass 188 visa to meet the requirements of Permanent visa subclass 888.

Primary contact: Ms. Ha Nguyen. Email:

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Accounting services for Accommodation, Restaurants and Hospitality Venues

Accounting for Accommodation, Restaurants and Hospitality Venues

This is an industry with high levels of competition, hard won competitive advantage, and global influences that are constantly changing. Guests Accounting’s experience in this industry is extensive and we have the expertise and provide the range of services that are delivering the results our clients want.

While our accounting skills are very important in delivering the financial analysis and interpretation needed for better strategy development and implementation it is how we use these skills and experience in the following areas that make our efforts even more productive.

  • Acquisition or sale of a business, Amalgamation advice
  • Management advice in the operation of properties
  • Business and governance support
  • Specialist advisory and taxation services, including:
  • Business planning
  • Cashflow projections
  • Working capital management

The accommodation and hospitality industry is subject to many rules and regulations and it is part of our role to ensure our clients are kept abreast of changes and the financial impact that can accompany such change.

Our experience in this industry means you can be confident we’ll provide the financial guidance you need while you focus on what you do best, provide customer satisfaction.

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Accounting services for barristers and solicitors

Accounting for Barristers and Solicitors

Work as a barrister or solicitor can be incredibly time consuming. Potentially long hours and long work weeks, keeping up to date with constantly changing legal paradigms and working through client cases can leave little time for yourself.

Give Yourself a Break

With so much on your plate, the last thing you may want to worry about are your taxes and accounting requirements. By using an accountant to assist in handling your taxes and other relative finances, you could reduce your taxation workload and potentially claim more of your expenses, plus you could have more time to focus on your career and your personal life.

Years of Industry Knowledge, Aimed at Helping Clients

Guests Accounting have been providing accountancy and taxation services to clients throughout Melbourne for many years. We focus on developing strong client relationships, identifying each client’s individual scenario along with their goals, and helping them achieve their accountancy requirements.

Professional Services for Business Start-ups and Established Businesses

We offer a broad range of business services for individuals and small to large firms. Whether you’re managing an established business or starting up one of your own, we can assist you with your accounting and tax needs, from the preparation of certain financial documents, claiming expenses, your tax returns and much more.

If you have any questions, please contact us to discuss your options. Staff at Guests Accounting are more than happy to answer any queries you may have.

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Accounting services for construction and property developers

Accounting for Construction and Property Developers

The process of running a construction business can be profitable though extremely time-consuming at points. Client deadlines, management of construction supplies, Occupational Health and Safety on site, along with overseeing staff and subcontractors is a lot to deal with it as it is.

Effective management of your cash flow and other financial requirements such as taxation can make the difference between your building business flourishing or struggling. Using a professional accountant that understands the financial issues of running a business can provide a benefit to you and your business, such as giving you more time to focus on your business and personal life, rather than worrying heavily about taxation.

With years of industry experience, Guests Accounting has provided accounting services to building businesses in the suburbs of Melbourne, delivering comprehensive tax services and knowledge in the industry.

Comprehensive Services

We provide a wide range of accounting services and advice to businesses and individuals, including:

  • Payroll and bookkeeping services and options
  • Advice relating to claiming motor vehicle expenses
  • Preparing income tax returns and certain financial documents
  • Advice on record keeping software, spreadsheets and tools for recording income and expenses of your business
  • Equipment finance (tools, construction supplies, etc)
  • Advice in relation to the sale and purchase of a business
  • Tax planning strategies
  • Advice for business start-ups
  • Plus much more support.

Whatever direction you’re looking to take your business or contracting, we’re here to help with your taxation and accounting needs. It’s a common situation where builders, trades people and businesses are using software that is beyond their requirements, potentially leading to confusion along with a waste of time and money. We can provide advice with record keeping in regards to your expenses and income, based on your accounting skill level and what is appropriate for your business and goals.

If you’re interested in finding out how we can help you and your business with your taxes, give us a call today or email your enquiry. Staff are happy to answer any questions you may have in relation to our services and appointments.

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Accounting services for doctors and medical professionals

Accounting for Health and Allied Services, Doctors and Medical Professionals

Working in the medical industry can be incredibly fulfilling though also extremely time consuming. Potentially long and extended hours, keeping up to date with patient or client details, travelling and on call jobs can leave you exhausted.

With all this on your plate, worrying about parts of your taxes shouldn’t be an issue. A professional accountant can assist you with your taxes and accountancy, giving you more time to focus on your career and personal life. Not only can accountants reduce your taxation work load but they can also assist with evaluating your expenses to reduce the amount of tax payable or enhance your tax return depending on your situation.

Guests Accounting have helped a range of doctors and medical professionals with their accounting and taxation needs for years in Melbourne. With a devoted team of accounting experts, we focus on providing great service and support for all our clients, whether an individual, small practice, organisation or large business.

Not only do we provide accounting services to doctors but also a large range of medical professionals and careers, such as the following:

  • Patient transport service (PTS) drivers and ambulance care assistants
  • Art therapists
  • Audiology staff and businesses
  • Biomedical scientists
  • Chiropractors
  • Counsellors
  • Chiropodists/podiatrists
  • Dentists, dental hygienists, nurses, technicians and therapists
  • Dieticians
  • General practitioners (GPs)
  • Housekeepers
  • Learning disabilities nursing
  • Massage therapists
  • Mental health nurses
  • Music therapists
  • Myotherapists
  • Neurophysiology and neurosurgery
  • Osteopaths
  • Pharmacists and pharmacy technicians
  • Psychiatrists
  • Psychologists
  • Psychotherapists
  • Practice secretaries and typists
  • Speech and language therapists
  • Sterile services management
  • Plus many more medical areas.

Staff at Guests Accounting are happy to answer any questions you may have about our services or the taxation and accounting process. If you would like to book an appointment or have a query, please contact us today.

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Accounting services for investors

Accounting for Manufacturing Companies

Working closely with our clients and providing professional specialised accounting and management expertise is why many quality manufacturing firms have employed our services for generations.  The benefits of working with a firm that knows what it’s like to be at the ‘coal face’ can’t be overstated.

It’s this approach, passion, professionalism, skill-set and dedication to our task that has given many large Australian businesses the confidence to employ our services.

Manufacturing is the one of the more complex forms of business and made all the more difficult because competition, competiveness and global trends are constantly changing.  Managing this change is what makes or breaks companies but we know our extensive experience across industries and accounting issues has helped many manage their way through problems and others build on their success.

Whatever the situation Guests Accounting has the expertise and experience to help you get the job done.

The services we offer to help you deliver the outcomes your company and stakeholders want are as follows:

  • General accounting input
  • Information technology
  • Audit services
  • Regular management reporting
  • Detailed financial analysis and reporting for profit and loss, balance sheet, and funds statements
  • Cost of production analysis
  • Accurate cost accounting
  • Lead time management
  • Capital requirement
  • Tendering
  • Analysis of actual vs standard cost
  • Identify inefficiencies
  • Manage wastage
  • Source supplies
  • Optimise plant capacities.

Providing financial reporting is one thing but it is how this data is interpreted and used to implement strategy is at the core of Guests Accounting’s value to your firm.

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Accounting services for marketing and digital marketing agencies

Accounting for Marketing and Digital Marketing Agencies

Advertising agencies, marketing consultancies, designers and digital innovators collectively represent one of the fastest growing business segments. They create brands, build websites and deliver marketing campaigns.

At Guests Accounting we believe that accounting is an important and necessary piece of every digital agency’s strategic framework. Accounting is more than balancing books and making sure you’re ready for next year’s taxes. It’s planning for future growth and success.

The specialised services Guests Accounting offer include:

  • Ongoing internal accounting for the Marketing/Advertising Agency itself
  • Assisting to build processes for reconciling your employee’s billable hours to preparing and sending invoices to your client’s on a consistent and continual basis (hourly billing)
  • Calculating project costing and profitability (fixed fee and hourly billing)
  • Employee compensation consulting in an organisational environment wherein your employees consist of a variety of skill sets (engineers, creatives, core operations and business development)
  • Forecasting profits based on management and ownership goals
  • Monitor revenue and collection patterns (Cash Flow)
  • Identifying your key metrics and benchmarking with your competitors
  • Assist with ownership and transition strategies
  • Work to establish financial reporting best practices
  • CFO business advisory and evaluation services
  • Business valuations
  • Succession and ownership transfer planning
  • Risk management (insurance strategies)
  • Budgeting, forecasting, and performance review
  • Customised monthly, quarterly, or annual financial reports
  • Growth strategies (from Mergers and Acquisitions to Organic growth)

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Accounting services for business enterprises and private businesses

Accounting for Private and Business Enterprises

Many of Australia’s best and most successful businesses are privately owned but such ownership comes with its own unique needs and challenges.  Guests Accounting have many years experience working in this area and understand well the unique challenges facing owners of family businesses.

While family businesses face the normal ups and downs of business life there is always the added complexity of family relationships that can make business decisions more difficult.  At Guests Accounting we are able to manage all businesses aspects of such ventures due to our long experience working with family businesses that means we look to address other issues that might impact more heavily than they should.  Issues such as:

  • Lack of quality succession planning and inadequate training of junior family members.
  • External investments draining cash from operations and diverting focus on core operations.
  • Poor governance and management systems.
  • Lack of capital investment and financial support.
  • Has the business adequately distinguished business and family governance?
  • Is there a degree of independent guidance?
  • Is the management team adequately equipped?
  • Generational transition planning, business coaching and mentoring.
  • Operational and strategic management structuring: family versus independent management.
  • Objective external advice on family issues and conflict resolution processes.
  • Assistance with the development and implementation of a family charter, family forums, family councils and advisory boards.
  • Responsive financial, accounting and business advisory support.
  • Family business succession planning.

We pride ourselves on the strength of the relationships we build with our clients and the depth of knowledge and understanding we develop over time.  Nowhere is this more important than with our family business clients.

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Accounting services for primary producers and farmers

Accounting for Primary Producers and Farmers

Managing a farm is a time consuming task. Overseeing staff and ensuring your day to day operations are running smoothly can take up enough time as it is; the last thing you may want to deal with is financial paper work and tax.

A professional accountant can help you efficiently manage your accounting, bookkeeping and taxation requirements, while also providing you with advice and strategies to help effectively grow your business. This can give you more time to focus on what’s important to you, such as handling tasks on your farm and enjoying life outside of work.

For over 60 years we have been providing accounting services for primary producers and farmers throughout Victoria. We understand what farmers require to effectively manage the finances of their farming operations and endeavour to provide all of our farming clients with effective advice and services to do such.

Take the Stress out of Tax with Help from a Professional Accountant

Time is money—two things that accountants can save for you. A professional accountant has the expertise and industry experience to help you efficiently, effectively and quickly manage your accounts, all while helping you save money and reduce tax.

Here at Guests Accounting, we can help you with:

  • Identifying opportunities to legally reduce tax payable
  • Preparation of income tax returns
  • Equipment finance
  • Assistance with employment compliance, such as WorkCover and superannuation
  • Cash flow projections
  • Tax planning strategies
  • Liaising with farm consultants
  • Advice on record keeping software, spreadsheets and tools for recording income and expenses of your business
  • Advice in relation to the sale and purchase of equipment or properties
  • Advice in relation to business expansion and growth
  • Assistance with drought and flood claims
  • Assistance with government incentive programs
  • Advice for business start ups
  • Succession planning.

Looking for help with your accounting and taxation requirements?

Whether a small or medium sized business farm, our team at Guests Accounting have the expertise to help you with all of your tax, accounting, GST and business advice needs.

Contact us today for comprehensive services at affordable prices, and advice you can trust.

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Accounting services for retail businesses and managers

Accounting for Retail Businesses and Managers

Managing a retail business can be a time consuming and complex task. You have to make sure that your staff can perform well, are receiving appropriate payment in regards to their wage and superannuation, plus then there’s the range of OH&S and compliance issues that must be followed.

Guests Accounting understands the financial implications that retailers have to deal with. We offer you professional experience, technical knowledge and support with your taxes and accounting.

Professional Accounting Services

Our services for retailers include:

  • Start-up business financial advice
  • Payroll and bookkeeping services
  • Income tax returns
  • Tax planning strategies
  • Accounting software advice and selection
  • Tools and spreadsheets to assist in detailing and reporting income and expenses
  • Advice about the sale and purchase of your business
  • Advice about claiming motor vehicle and transport costs
  • The preparation and analysis of certain financial documents and statements.

Ongoing Support

Over time, you may want to change the direction your business is heading and this could lead to financial issues. Financial advice and services from professionals could help you and your business keep on track with your goals and evolve positively. Guests Accounting can provide professional accounting advice and services as your business progresses and changes.

If you setting up a new retail business or looking to take your current business to the next level, please contact us today.

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Accounting services for tech companies

Accounting for Tech Companies

The technology industry faces very rapid change.  The extent and variety of this change in the last twenty years alone has been hugely diverse and at a pace that sees companies come and go in very short periods of time.

This risk and instability has also been accompanied by amazing opportunities and finding the best way forward is always complex and difficult.  However, even amongst so much disruption the basic principles of good business are still the guiding light.

Guests Accounting’s expertise, industry knowledge, stability and experience is helping our clients navigate the best way through these opportunities and threats.  Clients include information technology, big data, telecommunications, computer networking, software development and hardware development businesses.

Added into the mix is an ever increasing regulatory framework that has to be understood and managed.  Our experience in this area is extensive and allows our technology clients to stay ahead.

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Accounting services for trades and service industries

Accounting for Trades and Service Industries

When operating in your trade or business, you want to be able to focus on your client’s needs and help them, rather than becoming bogged down with tax, accounting and finances of your own. The friendly team at Guests Accounting provide professional accounting services for trades people.

Apart from your typical builder, plumber, carpenter and electrician we also service clients in a range of other trades including:

  • Air Conditioning Mechanics
  • Arborists
  • Bathroom Renovators
  • Blinds – Repair & Installation
  • Bricklayers
  • Builders
  • Carpenters
  • Carpet Cleaners
  • Carpet Repairers
  • Ceiling Repairers
  • Commercial Cleaners
  • Concreters
  • Domestic Cleaners
  • Electricians
  • Electrical Appliance Repairs
  • Fencing & Gates
  • Floating Floors
  • Floor Sanding
  • Furniture Assembly
  • Fencing Contractors
  • Guttering
  • Garden Maintenance
  • Gas Fitters
  • Glazers
  • Handymen
  • Home Security
  • Insulation
  • Interior Decorators
  • Joinery
  • Kitchen Renovators
  • Landscape Gardeners
  • Lawn Care
  • Painters
  • Paving Contractors
  • Pergolas
  • Plasterers
  • Plumbers
  • Rendering
  • Retaining Walls
  • Reticulation
  • Roller Doors
  • Roof Tilers
  • Roofing Repairers
  • Rubbish Removalists
  • Security Doors, Gates & Grills
  • Swimming Pools & Spas
  • Telecommunications
  • Tiling
  • Timber Floors
  • Tree Loppers
  • Vinyl & Carpet Layers
  • Window Cleaners
  • Wrought Iron Gates & Balustrades
  • Welders

Tailored Support

Guests Accounting are here to help you with your accounting; whether you’re looking to grow a business of your own or just sort out your own finances and taxation.

Many self employed tradesmen use accounting and finance software that is beyond their business needs, potentially leading to confusion along with wasting time and money. We can provide advice with what software or methods would be appropriate for your needs, along with what would be easy to use for you, giving you more time to focus on your work.

If you’re looking for a professional accountant who is dedicated to helping your trades business, please contact us today.

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Accounting services for transport and logistics professionals

Accounting for Transport and Logistics Professionals

Managing a transport & logistics business can be a time consuming and complex task. You have to make sure that your staff can perform well, are receiving appropriate payment in regards to their wage and superannuation, plus then there’s the range of OH&S and compliance issues that must be followed.

Guests Accounting understands the financial implications that transport and logistic industries have to deal with. We offer you professional experience, technical knowledge and support with your taxes and accounting.

Professional Accounting Services

Our services for Transport and Logistics Professionals include:

  • Start-up business financial advice
  • Payroll and bookkeeping services
  • Income tax returns
  • Tax planning strategies
  • Accounting software advice and selection
  • Tools and spreadsheets to assist in detailing and reporting income and expenses
  • Advice about the sale and purchase of your business
  • Advice about claiming motor vehicle and transport costs
  • Advice and assistance with claiming Fuel Tax Credits
  • The preparation and analysis of financial documents and statements.

Ongoing Support

Over time, you may want to change the direction your business is heading and this could lead to financial issues. Financial advice and services from professionals could help you and your business keep on track with your goals and evolve positively. Guests Accounting can provide professional accounting advice and services as your business progresses, grows and changes.

If you setting up a new Transport and Logistics business or looking to take your current business to the next level, please contact us today.

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Avi Paluch

Avi Paluch


(03) 9509 7033 / 0418 542 606

Avi Paluch became a partner in 1975. His client base comprises of professionals in a diverse range of industries, sole traders, national, multi-national and international groups in relation to taxation and management issues.

His clients also include large family groups and high net worth individuals. In addition, he is involved in a range of audits. Avi currently involves himself in various community boards in the capacity of honorary treasurer.

His other interests are being with his family and attending sports events.

Andrew Goldberger

Andrew Goldberger


(03) 9509 7033 / 0419 155 373

Andrew Goldberger joined Guests in 1987. Prior to that he occupied a senior position with the Australia Taxation Office. As well as looking after a diverse range of groups of SMEs and high wealth individuals, Andrew is an expert in taxation. He has been involved in a number of Large Income Tax and State Revenue Audits and provides advice on various technical tax issues and areas of tax planning. Andrew also consults to other practitioners in these areas.

Andrew has also written articles for various taxation publications including CCH and participated in taxation focus groups. He is regularly called on to address various public practitioner groups on taxation matters and has conducted training sessions for CPA Australia.

Moshe Trebish

Moshe Trebish


(03) 9509 7033 / 0417 081 305

Moshe joined Guests Accounting in 1985 and has more than 40 years of extensive experience. He has an indepth understanding of business and is responsible for a diverse group of clients and is in charge of the Superannuation Team and the Audit of superannuation funds.

Moshe’s knowledge in many different areas including business structuring, accounting, taxation, auditing, SMSFs and business planning in various industries enables him to provide advice on ‘the big picture’, taking into account both present and future needs of clients.

Moshe has been involved in various not-for-profit organisations during his career in an honorary capacity. This has given him a good grounding in the corporate governance area. Moshe continues his interest in the new regulatory environment of the not-for-profit sector.

  • Diploma of Commerce (RMIT)
  • Member of CPA Australia
  • Public Practice Certificate (CPA)
  • Registered Tax Agent
  • Registered SMSF Auditor
  • Registered Company Auditor
  • Limited AFSL Licencee
  • Chartered Tax Advisor (TIA)
Mory Kalkopf

Mory Kalkopf


(03) 9509 7033 / 0405 642 458

Mory graduated from Monash University in 1979 and joined our team with more than 20 years experience. He is a member of both the Institute of Chartered Accountants and the CPA and a Fellow of the Association of Taxation and Management Accountants.

After more than 18 years experience with a Chartered firm, Mory travelled to the United Kingdom and gained invaluable experience working with various Accounting and Legal firms in London, developing operating systems and in investigative accounting roles.

Mory joined Guests in March 2002 and became a partner in July 2005, specialising in Taxation and Business Services. Mory has also served on the executive of community boards and not-for-profit organisations.

Gary Bryfman

Gary Bryfman


(03) 9509 7033 / 0411 077 998

Gary Bryfman is a FCPA, having a Masters Degree in Taxation. His earlier accounting background was in industry, specialising in costing and budget preparations.

He has been a partner of Guests for 31 years. Gary has been involved in a number of Jewish organisations, including JCCV as honorary treasurer; CSG, JEMP and advisor to MDA executive.

Accounting Videos

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Please enjoy the links to these free tools supplied by MoneySmart - a great resource for general financial information. Please get in touch if you would like to discuss any questions that you may have as a result of using these calculators.

Guests Accounting welcome your enquiry. To book an appointment or simply ask us a question, fill in your details and we'll be in touch soon!

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Melbourne Office

  • 234 Balaclava Road, Caulfield North VIC 3161
  • 9:00AM to 5:00PM (Mon-Thurs), 8:30AM to 4:30PM (Fri)

Postal Address

  • PO Box 2197, Caulfield Junction VIC 3161, DX 37066 Caulfield

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